Sometimes a behavior or set of behaviors exhibited by your pet are more than just a training problem and can put a strain on your relationship.
Issues such as separation anxiety, aggression of any kind, fears and anxieties, or phobias are actual behavioral disorders and require a complete work-up and diagnosis by a veterinarian experienced in behavioral medicine. Pet Pals Country Club offers Behavioral Consults with Dr. Colleen Quinn who can diagnose, treat, and prescribe medication for your pet when needed. Positive reinforcement, science-based techniques will always be used rather than punishment based (shock, prong, or choke collar). We will work together as a team to restore peace in your heart and home.
When you contact us we will ask for some basic information about you, your pet, and the problem(s) you are experiencing. We can help you determine what type of appointment would be best to address your needs and get you scheduled. Some appointments will require you to fill out a questionnaire to provide us detailed information. We will go over pricing, what to prepare for your visit and any questions you may have. We currently schedule most consults during the weekdays but try to accomodate for a variety of schedules.
What to Prepare
We ask that you bring your pet to the appointment hungry with some yummy treats that can be given in small tidbits. We will provide treats also but sometimes they are more apt to eat snacks that smell like home. Please also plan to bring some type of mat or rug for them to lie on and for us to work on calming behaviors. Please bring dogs on flat nylon or leather collars or halters with nylon or leather leashes. No retractable leashes and no choke, prong, or shock collars. We may ask you to bring or send video of some of your pet’s behaviors as well as paperwork and veterinary health records either before or with you to the appointment. All of this will be discussed at the time of scheduling.
After Your session
At the end of your appointment we will schedule a follow-up for 6-8 weeks, fill out a prescription if needed, and provide handouts and links to further materials. Within 1-2 weeks we will email a summary of our recommendations to you as well as a report to your veterinarian. If any medical work-up such as bloodwork is required we will include that information. If you have any questions following the visit feel free to contact us by phone or email.

Appointment Types & Fees
Full Behavioral Consultation
2-2.5 hours in length
Investment: $325
Recheck/Update appointment
45 - 60 mins in length
Investment: $145
Additional Services
Know your dog
Not all dog behaviors are bad behaviors. Here we go over our L.E.G.S course and help you get to know your individual dog and it’s needs. We can go over common traits, behavior struggles and appropriate enrichment including fun games and activities that fits your dog based on its genetics and lifestyle.
1 hour in length
Investment: $85
Fear-Free Body Handling Behavior Modification
Many pets are very sensitive to being handled/touched on certain areas of their body including feet, face and tail. This is a natural response but can be heightened by experiences at the veterinary hospital, groomers, or at home in which they are forced into being handled rather than using what we call cooperative care. We can help minimize these fears and anxieties through multiple positive behavioral modification techniques
20 minute session
Investment: $30